Saturday, January 30, 2010
Day 83 Field Trip!
We took the girls out today and absolutely delighted in the Cleveland Botanical Gardens! It's the first time we've taken them out that wasn't for a doctor's appointment. If sleeping through the whole thing is a good sign, then they really enjoyed it. We garnered the attention of quite a few onlookers and gave lots of people a longer than expected answer to the question, "How old are they?". Enough talking. What you really want is pictures, right?
The girls enjoyed a lunch out on the town.
Lillian, taking in the scenery.
Under the waterfall.
Naomi, hanging out with Mom.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 77: Happy "Unbirthday"!
Today is their 11 week birthday, as well as the week of thier actual due date. Wednesday, to be exact.
It feels like we've had this stretch of "free" time, where the girls aren't really aging. Chronologically, yes, but this magic "adjusted age" doesn't start until their full term gestation. Which is all sorts of Now. In all likelihood, we wouldn't have made it all the way this far, but it's amazing to look at them at think that they could still be inside me! They definately wouldn't fit. They were weighed again this morning. Naomi's at 7lb10oz (!) and Lillian's bounced across that 7lb mark to 7lb2oz. That means they've both gained 9 ounces in 6 days. Doctor's pretty impressed. I am, too!
Now that we've hit their official due date, we can start counting their adjusted age and measuring milestones. Andwatching how fast this time really goes. Even though they are newborns in corrected age, they are doing some things that an older baby would. They make eye contact, lift their heads when they're lying on their bellies, and hold onto their bottles. I suspect that Lillian will smile at us soon.
Nana and Papa came out today to help us celebrate the girls' Unbirthday. Here are those pictures I promised!
The Birthday Girls. Lillian's on the left.
Lillian. She spent most of the day here in Papa's lap.
Naomi. We party hard around here.
It feels like we've had this stretch of "free" time, where the girls aren't really aging. Chronologically, yes, but this magic "adjusted age" doesn't start until their full term gestation. Which is all sorts of Now. In all likelihood, we wouldn't have made it all the way this far, but it's amazing to look at them at think that they could still be inside me! They definately wouldn't fit. They were weighed again this morning. Naomi's at 7lb10oz (!) and Lillian's bounced across that 7lb mark to 7lb2oz. That means they've both gained 9 ounces in 6 days. Doctor's pretty impressed. I am, too!
Now that we've hit their official due date, we can start counting their adjusted age and measuring milestones. Andwatching how fast this time really goes. Even though they are newborns in corrected age, they are doing some things that an older baby would. They make eye contact, lift their heads when they're lying on their bellies, and hold onto their bottles. I suspect that Lillian will smile at us soon.
Nana and Papa came out today to help us celebrate the girls' Unbirthday. Here are those pictures I promised!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Day 73
Sorry for the lag in posting. My computer is doing this not-awesome thing where everytime I attempt to visit this site, the browser shuts down. Argh. So, I am pirating William's computer while he's not here.
You'll be happy to hear that in our broadcasting hiatus, things are still going smoothly. We had our pediatrician's app't on Monday of this week, technically the girls' two month appointment. Of course, I desperately needed a weight fix, as I hadn't been updated in two weeks. (It has been suggested that I just take them to the grocery store and pop them into the produce scale. Tempting. How many social taboos does that break?) The have both gained over an ounce a day since coming home, which is a great rate. Lillian weighed in at 6lbs9oz and Naomi crossed the 7lb threshold by one quarter of an ounce! The are both 19 inches long, as well, meaning they've grown four inches since being born! They are very typical newborn size.
Most of their behavior is average newborn, too.
They eat. They're up to four ounces a day every four hours. Naomi usually vacuums hers down, drooling a bit down her chin(s) and sleeping. Lillian, though, will probably never be invited on a second dinner date. She takes forever to finish eating and spends the last third of the meal shouting and farting. (Sorry, sweetheart. When you're 16 you'll hate me for that, won't you?)
They sleep. Often. But, I think we're coming to the end of that phase where we could bang pots and pans over their heads and they'd stay firmly rooted in their stupor. Naomi has started waking when she hears the velcro strap on the changing table. Sometimes their sleep means we get sleep, but not always. Enough to be functional, anyhow.
Speaking of functional, William has returned to work this week. Boo. But someone needs to pay for the dog kibble. So far, it hasn't been too awful--just the average hiccups one would expect from freshmen after you've been gone two weeks. Naomi and I helped him grade papers the other night. She's unforgiving!
This means that I am now home with the girls by myself. We were so afraid to be alone with them when they first came home that we waited for my mom to come over before going to the store! (Naomi--this is your fault, girlie.) It's not too bad. I've devised a system where I toss the monitor in backpack and a baby in a front carrier and I can at least be mobile with one at a time. It's remarkably busy stuff, feeding and changing and laundering for two little girls. I feel accomplished if I get one other task done. Today, Lillian helped me sweep the kitchen floor. I felt like I deserved an Olympic medal by the time I was done.
I promise to get pictures up this weekend. Until then, we hope everyone is well.
You'll be happy to hear that in our broadcasting hiatus, things are still going smoothly. We had our pediatrician's app't on Monday of this week, technically the girls' two month appointment. Of course, I desperately needed a weight fix, as I hadn't been updated in two weeks. (It has been suggested that I just take them to the grocery store and pop them into the produce scale. Tempting. How many social taboos does that break?) The have both gained over an ounce a day since coming home, which is a great rate. Lillian weighed in at 6lbs9oz and Naomi crossed the 7lb threshold by one quarter of an ounce! The are both 19 inches long, as well, meaning they've grown four inches since being born! They are very typical newborn size.
Most of their behavior is average newborn, too.
They eat. They're up to four ounces a day every four hours. Naomi usually vacuums hers down, drooling a bit down her chin(s) and sleeping. Lillian, though, will probably never be invited on a second dinner date. She takes forever to finish eating and spends the last third of the meal shouting and farting. (Sorry, sweetheart. When you're 16 you'll hate me for that, won't you?)
They sleep. Often. But, I think we're coming to the end of that phase where we could bang pots and pans over their heads and they'd stay firmly rooted in their stupor. Naomi has started waking when she hears the velcro strap on the changing table. Sometimes their sleep means we get sleep, but not always. Enough to be functional, anyhow.
Speaking of functional, William has returned to work this week. Boo. But someone needs to pay for the dog kibble. So far, it hasn't been too awful--just the average hiccups one would expect from freshmen after you've been gone two weeks. Naomi and I helped him grade papers the other night. She's unforgiving!
This means that I am now home with the girls by myself. We were so afraid to be alone with them when they first came home that we waited for my mom to come over before going to the store! (Naomi--this is your fault, girlie.) It's not too bad. I've devised a system where I toss the monitor in backpack and a baby in a front carrier and I can at least be mobile with one at a time. It's remarkably busy stuff, feeding and changing and laundering for two little girls. I feel accomplished if I get one other task done. Today, Lillian helped me sweep the kitchen floor. I felt like I deserved an Olympic medal by the time I was done.
I promise to get pictures up this weekend. Until then, we hope everyone is well.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 66
Things are still going well in our little household.
The girls are growing like crazy. It's making me a little nuts to not know their exact and current weights. For the first 7 weeks of their lives, I was updated every 24 hours, down to the gram. Now, I just know that Naomi's neck rolls are deeper and we've had to retire our preemie outfits. They are bigger, I just don't know how much! We have another pediatrician appointment Monday, so we'll be able to get some numbers then.
They are eating well, and sometimes letting us sleep. With William off still, we have a lovely shift schedule where someone gets to sleep for 5-6 hours at a time, but once he has to go back to work, that will be more difficult to maintain. Is anyone out there hanging on to our winning lottery ticket? I seem to have misplaced it.
They are starting to be more alert for longer stretches, too. Especially like tonight, after their baths. Lillian especially will rivet you with those huge eyes and just be engaging for an hour or more. Naomi prefers to sleep. Even while she's eating.
Roxie has started spending short amounts of time downstairs again, but once we're both occupied with a baby, she'll slink back up and hide, waiting for us to notice she's missing. It's hard being the oldest!
Someone's fussing now, so that's all for this evening!
The girls are growing like crazy. It's making me a little nuts to not know their exact and current weights. For the first 7 weeks of their lives, I was updated every 24 hours, down to the gram. Now, I just know that Naomi's neck rolls are deeper and we've had to retire our preemie outfits. They are bigger, I just don't know how much! We have another pediatrician appointment Monday, so we'll be able to get some numbers then.
They are eating well, and sometimes letting us sleep. With William off still, we have a lovely shift schedule where someone gets to sleep for 5-6 hours at a time, but once he has to go back to work, that will be more difficult to maintain. Is anyone out there hanging on to our winning lottery ticket? I seem to have misplaced it.
They are starting to be more alert for longer stretches, too. Especially like tonight, after their baths. Lillian especially will rivet you with those huge eyes and just be engaging for an hour or more. Naomi prefers to sleep. Even while she's eating.
Roxie has started spending short amounts of time downstairs again, but once we're both occupied with a baby, she'll slink back up and hide, waiting for us to notice she's missing. It's hard being the oldest!
Someone's fussing now, so that's all for this evening!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day 62
Just a regular Saturday with two babies in the house! The sun was out today, which was marvelous. Not that we went anywhere, but it was nice to see that the sun hasn't completely abandoned Northeast Ohio.
We did manage to leave the house yesterday, though, on a more typical miserable, snowy, gray day. The girls had a follow-up appointment with the opthamologist. What he had seen four weeks ago as grade 1 retinopathy of prematurity has now resolved, and everything looks, in his terms, "gorgeous" with their eyes. I couldn't agree more. Neither can the staff at the office, apparently. The ladies were like little mini-celebrities, basking in all the oohs and ahhs. Since we're doing this kind of isolationist thing, it's nice to be able have someone else exclaim about how exceedingly cute they are.
As further proof:
We did manage to leave the house yesterday, though, on a more typical miserable, snowy, gray day. The girls had a follow-up appointment with the opthamologist. What he had seen four weeks ago as grade 1 retinopathy of prematurity has now resolved, and everything looks, in his terms, "gorgeous" with their eyes. I couldn't agree more. Neither can the staff at the office, apparently. The ladies were like little mini-celebrities, basking in all the oohs and ahhs. Since we're doing this kind of isolationist thing, it's nice to be able have someone else exclaim about how exceedingly cute they are.
As further proof:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day 60
I've promised pictures, haven't I?
Naomi, practicing for raspberries.
Lillian would like you to pick her up, please.
We are still loving the process of discovery that living with these babies really is. Lillian iscurrently sitting in my lap, helping with this entry. Actually, she's totally distracted by the Christmas tree and is being no help at all. Artistic inspiration, perhaps.
Papa came out to visit today, so William could actually leave the house. The girls loved the extra snuggling, and William returned with furnace filters. A good time was had by all.
One of the books I'm reading about twins describes the noises they make as "snarfling". This is a perfectly accurate description. The grunting, squeaking, snorting and chattering all blend into this bizarre whale song of baby noise. William points out that it calls to mind those tiny, seemingly harmless dinosaurs from Jurrasic Park. Cute on their own, but in large numbers? Flesh eating machines. Occasionally, Lillian does this arm-flapping doggie paddle dance that brings to mind a very, very small Tyrannasaurus Rex, reinforcing the resemblance.
We're going to tuck in and enjoy our snarfling for the evening.
We are still loving the process of discovery that living with these babies really is. Lillian iscurrently sitting in my lap, helping with this entry. Actually, she's totally distracted by the Christmas tree and is being no help at all. Artistic inspiration, perhaps.
Papa came out to visit today, so William could actually leave the house. The girls loved the extra snuggling, and William returned with furnace filters. A good time was had by all.
One of the books I'm reading about twins describes the noises they make as "snarfling". This is a perfectly accurate description. The grunting, squeaking, snorting and chattering all blend into this bizarre whale song of baby noise. William points out that it calls to mind those tiny, seemingly harmless dinosaurs from Jurrasic Park. Cute on their own, but in large numbers? Flesh eating machines. Occasionally, Lillian does this arm-flapping doggie paddle dance that brings to mind a very, very small Tyrannasaurus Rex, reinforcing the resemblance.
We're going to tuck in and enjoy our snarfling for the evening.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 58
More successes today!
We bathed both babies today. It's not as easy as it should be. They're small and not that dirty, you know? We'll get better at it. Naomi didn't seem to mind the whole affair much, but Lillian wasn't as convinced. Nana came up after work, so we were able to get a lot done, including a trip to the grocery store!
Several people have asked how dear Roxie is handling this sudden paradigm shift. She was quite curious about the babies at first, sniffing around and running to where they were everytime they grunted or squeaked. But the monitors beepingr eally gets her, as loud and high pitched as it is. (Most of the beeping is to tell us that the leads are loose.) As of today, she has essentially moved upstairs. She comes down to eat, to go out and when she hears us open the refrigerator. I think she'll forgive us eventually.
We bathed both babies today. It's not as easy as it should be. They're small and not that dirty, you know? We'll get better at it. Naomi didn't seem to mind the whole affair much, but Lillian wasn't as convinced. Nana came up after work, so we were able to get a lot done, including a trip to the grocery store!
Several people have asked how dear Roxie is handling this sudden paradigm shift. She was quite curious about the babies at first, sniffing around and running to where they were everytime they grunted or squeaked. But the monitors beepingr eally gets her, as loud and high pitched as it is. (Most of the beeping is to tell us that the leads are loose.) As of today, she has essentially moved upstairs. She comes down to eat, to go out and when she hears us open the refrigerator. I think she'll forgive us eventually.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Day 57
We were wildly successful today. We got two babies in the car, out of the driveway, into to the doctor's office and back! I needed a nap when we were done. We must begin playing the lottery, though, because I am never letting William go bck to work.
The doctor's appointment went just fine. It was more of a weigh in, really. Are you ready for the numbers? Lillian is 5lb7 and Naomi is 5lb14! They're huge. I need to move their neck rolls to clean in them. I mean, that's gross, I know, but still! Huge babies!
Look! They're really both here!
The doctor's appointment went just fine. It was more of a weigh in, really. Are you ready for the numbers? Lillian is 5lb7 and Naomi is 5lb14! They're huge. I need to move their neck rolls to clean in them. I mean, that's gross, I know, but still! Huge babies!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Day 54: New Beginnings
We are still trucking along, reveling in the newness of having a Naomi here, waiting (not so) patiently for Lillian to join us.
We had a nurse visit us this morning to check up on Naomi, since we aren't scheduled for her pediatrician's visit until Monday. She's passed with flying colors! She weighed 5lb1 when we brought her home on Wednesday. According to the nurse's scale, she's now 5lb8. I find it hard to believe that she's put on nearly half pound in 48 hours. So, there might be some discrepancy in the scale, but the idea is that she's still gaining, so that's good. Naomi showed off for the nice nurse lady, being awake and captivating and eventually peeing in her mother's lap.
We dressed her up for the Ohio State game tonight, in her Buckeyes tee shirt and jeans. The picture's on William's camera, so I'll add it in later. Kind of adorable.
Lillian got lots of visitors today, William and Papa headed out for the afternoon and Nana and I did the evening tour. She doesn't have to share the attention with her sister anymore! We also think she's the senior baby in the nursery now. Time to come home!.
In honor of the new year, I'd like to hear from all of you. Leave a comment and tell us the things that you wish for and wonder for these girls. For example, I wonder if either of them will be able to sing. (Well, I wonder countless things. That's pretty much what I do with my days now, but I want to leave some for you guys.)
It's time to feed that baby that lives here now. Comment away.
We had a nurse visit us this morning to check up on Naomi, since we aren't scheduled for her pediatrician's visit until Monday. She's passed with flying colors! She weighed 5lb1 when we brought her home on Wednesday. According to the nurse's scale, she's now 5lb8. I find it hard to believe that she's put on nearly half pound in 48 hours. So, there might be some discrepancy in the scale, but the idea is that she's still gaining, so that's good. Naomi showed off for the nice nurse lady, being awake and captivating and eventually peeing in her mother's lap.
We dressed her up for the Ohio State game tonight, in her Buckeyes tee shirt and jeans. The picture's on William's camera, so I'll add it in later. Kind of adorable.
Lillian got lots of visitors today, William and Papa headed out for the afternoon and Nana and I did the evening tour. She doesn't have to share the attention with her sister anymore! We also think she's the senior baby in the nursery now. Time to come home!.
In honor of the new year, I'd like to hear from all of you. Leave a comment and tell us the things that you wish for and wonder for these girls. For example, I wonder if either of them will be able to sing. (Well, I wonder countless things. That's pretty much what I do with my days now, but I want to leave some for you guys.)
It's time to feed that baby that lives here now. Comment away.
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