Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 16

There's nothing like the sound of the phone ringing at 6 am. Now that my dad's retired, it can only mean one thing: SNOW DAY! William was given a reprieve this Friday when we got yet another snowstorm. What do you do with a snow day? Build a snowman, of course! The girls very much enjoyed it, as you can see.

This weekend, the girls hit their one month adjusted birthday. That's if they had been born on their due date, they would be one month old. (In reality, they're almost four months!) They're doing all sorts of one month old things. Their head control has gotten quite good, and they're starting to do those baby push-ups when they lay on their bellies. Naomi definately smiles on purpose, but not as often as I would wish for. Lillian seems to be getting there soon. Also, neither of them can get enough of "The Ants Go Marching".

We had some other adventures this week, getting out and about. On Wednesday, I brought the girls to the Heights Parent Center for Baby and Me group. Wonderful to see a bunch of other parents with little bundles and talk baby stuff. Most of the other babies are of the 5-6 month old variety, but it's fun to see where the ladies are headed. It's hard to believe that they will soon be sitting up, crawling, chewing on any available thing. (I take that back. It's not hard to believe that of Lillian. When the girls lay together, Naomi flops her arms all over, often ending up on Lillian's face. Where Lillian promptly begins chewing on her sister's hand. It's a beautiful symbiosis.)

Sometimes, they do really cute things, like this:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 15: The Bald and The Beautiful

Our girls were born with a head full of hair. Really. A soft and lovely lightish brown. Since they've come home, the hair situation has gotten a little...sparse. They clearly take after their father. I promise I don't neglect them, but they have developed that tell-tale bald spot in the back of their heads that comes from rubbing the hair off. Seriously, Lillian looks like she has the mange. In addition to the wipe on, wipe off hairstyle in the back, the top is definately thinning. I tried to convince myself that they had exactly same amount of hair they did at birth, but their heads have double in size, spreading the hairs out over a greater distance. That's a comfortable lie. They have the look of tiny little monks. (Judging by the handful of hair I lose each day, I won't be far behind. It's like pulling a small gerbil out of the shower drain. Other moms, when does this stop??)

Thankfully there's a solution:

A wig. For babies. Of course.

Besides being a little breezy on top, the girls are doing great. Their eye contact is quite meaningful and we're getting hints at smiles. Lillian's prevacid seems to be working well and offering her (all of us) some relief from the reflux. We haven't had a weigh-in since the fifth, so I can't give you any numbers, but I think Naomi's flirting with double digits.

They are both moving a lot more and like to be moved. Walking around in the baby carrier while someone does chores is about as good as it gets. Naomi helps me load the dishwasher almost every day. This is Lillian and I from a few weeks ago. I'm not angry, despite the look on my face:

Other highlights:

The girls were treated last weekend to visits from the Weatherlow Miller clan as they passed through town.

Yesterday we took a day trip to Nana and Papa's--our longest, farthest outing as of yet.

Friday, we went out to dinner. It was Chipotle, but still. Baby steps.

More pictures soon!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 14

The girls wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 90-something.

I've lost count of days. You're not offended are you?

Today, though, the girls are three months old. They have been here, out in the world, in four different months. They have graced two months in two different years. They are incredible.

These are a few of my favorite things:

The way Lillian worries her hands together in front of her.

The way Naomi twists her head from side to side, searching for that bottle, while you try to burp her.

That Lillian stares intently at the little snail toy on her bouncy seat. And occasionally takes a swipe at it.

Naomi's tendency to want to snuggle early in the morning.

The way Lillian swims her arms in slow motion.

Naomi's ability to keep a pacifier in her mouth (as opposed to her sister!)

They both hold your fingers and squeeze.

Lillian's cry that very distinctly says, "Hey. Hey! I'm over here. Hey!"

When Naomi falls asleep with ehr hand curled under her cheek.

When Lillian bounces her head against me in the baby carrier.

Naomi's half smile when you kiss her cheeks.

p.s. At last weigh-in, Naomi was 9lbs and Lillian was 8lb6!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 86: Doctor's update

The girls had another check up appointment yesterday. The weigh-in puts Naomi at 8lb4oz and Lillian at 7lbs10. We're leaving behind those newborn outfits that fit 5-8 pounds! Everything else is good; we'll be starting Lillian on prevacid--a presciption antacid--for her reflux, since she doesn't seem to enjoy spitting up formula through her nose. I think the biggest success of the appointment was that I managed to get the girls there and back on my own! If you know anyone else who has infant twins, go now and buy for them the snap-n-go stroller. Now. Why are you still sitting here?? Seriously, that thing is life saver. If they have an endorsement deal, sign me up.

In other news, the girls have actually started sleeping in their nursery, which means they no longer live exclusively in the dining room. It also means that I no longer sleep exclusively on the couch. Much celebration. I'll try and get pictures of the finished nursery up here soon.

Happy Groundhog's Day!(I've tried explaining this holiday to the ladies, but it turns out it makes no sense.)