Someday, soon, I promise, I will get video on here, because you all deserve to have the delight that is watching these girls in the doorway bouncer. Think Riverdance.
Eeep! How did this happen???
Lillian and Naomi are six months old today.
Think they've changed much?The rate at which they change is impossible to describe. I already look back at this blog in wonder--who are those tiny things??
Speaking of tiny things, Happies of Birthdays to the girls' newest friend. Nat and Amanda's baby girl was born today. I'm sure the three of them will team up in delighting us and torturting Jack in no time.
All sorts of exciting things have happened recently. Some things are not happening any more. Having demonstrated their mastery of rolling over, they have decided to forgo any futher exhibition of this skill. However, we have traded that in for laughing. Especially Lillian. I can't get this on video, because in order to make her laugh, I have to sit her on my lap and lift her up so that her forehead bonks against mine over and over again. It's totally worth it.
The girls are starting to figure out cause and effect. In their bouncer seats, we have toys that hang on the bar that goes over their heads. I hung a toy with a bell, tied a string to it and looped the string around her wrist. (Lillian first, then Naomi.) Within minutes, each girl discovered that if she flails her arm, the bell rings. Much flailing ensued. It's hysterical. This if-then thing also works in the bathtub. They have realized that if they do a whole body dance, lots of water splashes everywhere and that's fun. Bathtime has gotten a little messier for Mom and Dad. Nana helped out with baths last week and cheered Lillian on with shouts of "Make the bubbles, Lillian!" and she would kick and splash, frothing up the bubble bath.
Mother's Day is tomorrow. It's still odd to me that I am someone's mother. Two someones. As all the mothers out there already realize, it opens up a depth of feeling that I didn't even know existed. In all the stress and exhaustion, there is also calm. We worked so hard and waited so long for these little girls. There was so much anguish and worry and fear and agony. And I wouldn't give back a minute of it. It couldn't be any other way.
Thank you to all those mothers who have shown me how to do this, whether they meant to or not. And to those who are not yet at their goal to be mothers, have faith. Each moment of waiting makes each moment of joy that much sweeter.