Sorry for the long break. Our one remaining computer gave up the ghost last week. Now that we've fretted for a bit and said lots of nice things about it, it has miraculously come back to life. I don't know how long this reincarnation will last, so I'll get an entry up now. If we disappear from the ether again, blame it on the computer malfunction, not my scatterbrained nature.
When we last left off, we were still in Massachusetts, enjoying the time with family and friends. In all, we couldn't have asked for the trip to go better. The girls mostly slept when we wanted and were very agreeable. They tolerated the car rides very well, too. We got to dip their feet in the Atlantic Ocean, albeit for a very short time, as a storm was kicking up. They ate peas from Pat's garden (and didn't like them at all) and spent time in a dualing doorway jumper rig that Richard set up on the swingset in the backyard. The met the wonderful twin girls that live next door--we now hope that our girls grow up to be that courteous and engaging! We stopped in New York again on the way home, welcomed by the Morehouse clan, and enjoyed an evening along Cayuga Lake. Beautiful as always.
Now home, we are returning to our routines and discoveries. We immediately set up a pool in that backyard, after seeing how much they enjoyed the one in Duxbury.
(Here's a picture that didn't get posted before. That's Brad's foot between the girls. This is how Naomi approaches virtually everything now--nose scrunched, mouth open and claw hands. )

The girls have been trying new foods and getting somewhat better at it. Two nights ago, Naomi (who's usually quite a bit less interested in eating--unless it's Brad's foot.) repeatedly leaned toward the spoon and opened her mouth, like she'd been practicing! I really think she's going to be the "I can do it myself!!" girl, and once they are feeding themselves, she'll be much more into the idea.
We took the girls to West Side Market yesterday, letting them revel in the sights, sounds and smells. They got to lick a mango.
...They have been paying so much attention to each other recently. It's grand amusement For William and I together with a girl on each lap and just watch them go. For the last two days, it's been a constant conversation:
Lillian: Aaaiieiiieiaa?
Naomi: Hissssssss.
Naomi: Hissssssss.
Lillian: AAAiiiAAAA??
Naomi: Hisssssss.
William has accurately described Naomi's hiss as, "Please adjust my radio dial" kind of static. I refer to her as my tiny Komodo Dragon.
William has accurately described Naomi's hiss as, "Please adjust my radio dial" kind of static. I refer to her as my tiny Komodo Dragon.
A few nights ago, we were sitting in just this arrangement, watching the girls do their thing when Naomi tossed her head back and went, "ha HAA!". It was one of those moments that makes me regret that we do not have a TV studio set up 24/7.
For your picture fix, here are the girls in their formal portrait poses that Richard snapped in Duxbury.
Cherubs, anyone?: 
