But she's working on it.
I would daresay that the girls have been happier with daycare this week. Aside from the fact that they've contracted the first round (if what I assume will be many)of ick, they've been pleasant and whenever I've picked them up they are playful and happy. There's less of the instant meltdown when they see me across the room and we're getting good reports from the teachers. We've figured out a few cheats that I am hoping are contributing to the improvement. Namely, feeding them. I don't think they're eating as much while they're there, so we sneak in a breakfast-before-breakfast and a snack with milk when they get home. With that and judicious use of an animal signs video, we've been able to head off a few of the storms.
We crashed the afterparty of Jack's 4th birthday today. The girls' naptime never lets us get the full effect of birthday parties. So, we show up just as most guests are leaving and lounge around in the afterglow. It's blowing my mind a bit that Jack is turning four. That means that eventually our babies will eventually do the same thing! I remember quite vividly Jack at almost-two and it doesn't seem like it was that long ago. (Yeah, you heard me. Almost-two. It doesn't make sense to count in months anymore. It's only 8 or 9 weeks away.)