We took the girls to Memphis Kiddie Park on Sunday, as a final kiss goodbye to summer. It was a riot of fun and laughter and running and leaping. Nat has accurately described this place as "the most magical parking lot ever". An apt moniker. It's a fenced in asphalt lot over by the airport and if you stripped away the shimmer of children's joy, it would be a creepy set for a Scooby Doo episode. Chock full of pint-sized carnival rides and sullen teenage operators, smelling of oil from the rides and corn dogs, it's been here since the 50's. (Papa went as a boy!)
The girls were absolutely overcome with pleasure. No fear, no hesitation. They ran from ride to ride, eagerly gathering their tickets from Papa's pocket and giving them to the ticket takers. They rode just about everything that moved, skipping out only when we ran out of tickets. They rode the roller coaster twice. I can't even describe all their excitement, so I'll just show you the pictures.