Tuesday, September 25, 2012


For the past few days, whenever a disagreement has popped up between the girls, this conversation has ensued:

Lillian: You'll never get that job!

Naomi:  I'll get that job.


Naomi:  I'll get that job.  EVERY DAY!

Lillian:  NEVER.  GET.  THAT. JOB.

And so on.

I can't figure it out, but it cracks me up every time.  I've asked at daycare, trying to find out if it's rooted in the morning helper assignments, but they can't seem to place it, and the conversation doesn't seem to happen there. For the most part, the girls get along famously, unless they are trying to hurt each other or maintain possession of a toy.  Or if the sun is in Naomi's eyes, at which point, she requests that the sun be moved so it's in Lillian's face intstead.  Under the bus, man. But they are willing to ethusiastically share potty stickers and Naomi tucks Lillian into bed, covering her with puppies and blankies.

Here is virtually the same story in photographs:

Here are some otherwise unrelated pictures:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head

Photo credit to Nat
We got caught in a rainstorm last weekend at Legacy Village.  Amanda wrote a delightful post about it over on her blog, but I wanted to share some of the pictures.  (Upon review, it's only two photos that are in focus and both are of Lillian.)  It was grand fun, all the kiddos reveling in the new sensation of being drenched by a warm summer rain.  It reminded all of us adults to lower our shoulders, relax a minute and enjoy it.  Laugh.  Get wet and realize it's not a tragedy.  Until Naomi stars shivering and her lips turn blue.  Then, hustle up and get home.  Bundle up in warm pajamas and have some warm milk.  Watching the world through their eyes for a few minutes is a great reminder of the joy and magic in the small things.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back in the Saddle

School is back in session.  For everyone.  We've even survived our first five day week.  Thankfully we are being rewarded with a three day weekend.  I'd have to say that i's all gone relatively smoothly. The girls are happy to be back at school an are learning more; they've both made leaps and bounds in tracing the letters in their name.  Naomi is doing well with potty visits and both girls are getting into the idea of show and tell each week.

Just a quick update this morning.  Hopefully I'll have another chance this weekend.