Sorry for the lag in posting. My computer is doing this not-awesome thing where everytime I attempt to visit this site, the browser shuts down. Argh. So, I am pirating William's computer while he's not here.
You'll be happy to hear that in our broadcasting hiatus, things are still going smoothly. We had our pediatrician's app't on Monday of this week, technically the girls' two month appointment. Of course, I desperately needed a weight fix, as I hadn't been updated in two weeks. (It has been suggested that I just take them to the grocery store and pop them into the produce scale. Tempting. How many social taboos does that break?) The have both gained over an ounce a day since coming home, which is a great rate. Lillian weighed in at 6lbs9oz and Naomi crossed the 7lb threshold by one quarter of an ounce! The are both 19 inches long, as well, meaning they've grown four inches since being born! They are very typical newborn size.
Most of their behavior is average newborn, too.
They eat. They're up to four ounces a day every four hours. Naomi usually vacuums hers down, drooling a bit down her chin(s) and sleeping. Lillian, though, will probably never be invited on a second dinner date. She takes forever to finish eating and spends the last third of the meal shouting and farting. (Sorry, sweetheart. When you're 16 you'll hate me for that, won't you?)
They sleep. Often. But, I think we're coming to the end of that phase where we could bang pots and pans over their heads and they'd stay firmly rooted in their stupor. Naomi has started waking when she hears the velcro strap on the changing table. Sometimes their sleep means we get sleep, but not always. Enough to be functional, anyhow.
Speaking of functional, William has returned to work this week. Boo. But someone needs to pay for the dog kibble. So far, it hasn't been too awful--just the average hiccups one would expect from freshmen after you've been gone two weeks. Naomi and I helped him grade papers the other night. She's unforgiving!
This means that I am now home with the girls by myself. We were so afraid to be alone with them when they first came home that we waited for my mom to come over before going to the store! (Naomi--this is your fault, girlie.) It's not too bad. I've devised a system where I toss the monitor in backpack and a baby in a front carrier and I can at least be mobile with one at a time. It's remarkably busy stuff, feeding and changing and laundering for two little girls. I feel accomplished if I get one other task done. Today, Lillian helped me sweep the kitchen floor. I felt like I deserved an Olympic medal by the time I was done.
I promise to get pictures up this weekend. Until then, we hope everyone is well.
You are a remarkable mom! The fact that you can do as much as you do amazes me! Don't be afraid to ask for help!! (hint, hint)
I could come and live with you for the next five years and be the nanny. The girls would become proficient at Scrabble at a remarkably young age.You are a remarkable mom - all of us who have had kids know how hard it to get anything done when you are in fact the slave of the little darlings. "Don't sweat the small stuff" and do ask for help- everyone who loves you (and the rest of the family) will consider it a privilege.
C an you tell that I have no freaking clue how to post a comment? Just thought I would help create a little amusement for the family. -Pat
I seriously sprayed coffee out my nose at the image of a 16-year-old Lillian shouting and farting during the dessert course at a nice restaurant.
Thank goodness you are the parents and not me. I don't think I could do that. I'd have to hang them up in the closet periodically so I could be alone. Hang in there. You are doing very well compared to me if I were doing this. Love to you all!
It's such fun being great grandparents--it's like reliving some of the experiences we had 50 years ago but without the work! PopPop is planning on buying the girls tool kits for their first birthday. Granny's sewing machine is broken but it certainly did its work for Patty and Bobbie and Melinda, Luke and Claire! Love to all. Granny and PopPopPop
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