Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 15: The Bald and The Beautiful

Our girls were born with a head full of hair. Really. A soft and lovely lightish brown. Since they've come home, the hair situation has gotten a little...sparse. They clearly take after their father. I promise I don't neglect them, but they have developed that tell-tale bald spot in the back of their heads that comes from rubbing the hair off. Seriously, Lillian looks like she has the mange. In addition to the wipe on, wipe off hairstyle in the back, the top is definately thinning. I tried to convince myself that they had exactly same amount of hair they did at birth, but their heads have double in size, spreading the hairs out over a greater distance. That's a comfortable lie. They have the look of tiny little monks. (Judging by the handful of hair I lose each day, I won't be far behind. It's like pulling a small gerbil out of the shower drain. Other moms, when does this stop??)

Thankfully there's a solution:

A wig. For babies. Of course.

Besides being a little breezy on top, the girls are doing great. Their eye contact is quite meaningful and we're getting hints at smiles. Lillian's prevacid seems to be working well and offering her (all of us) some relief from the reflux. We haven't had a weigh-in since the fifth, so I can't give you any numbers, but I think Naomi's flirting with double digits.

They are both moving a lot more and like to be moved. Walking around in the baby carrier while someone does chores is about as good as it gets. Naomi helps me load the dishwasher almost every day. This is Lillian and I from a few weeks ago. I'm not angry, despite the look on my face:

Other highlights:

The girls were treated last weekend to visits from the Weatherlow Miller clan as they passed through town.

Yesterday we took a day trip to Nana and Papa's--our longest, farthest outing as of yet.

Friday, we went out to dinner. It was Chipotle, but still. Baby steps.

More pictures soon!


Jen McCauley said...

On your hair-get it cut. I know that sounds simplistic, but I had the same problem after Hannah, and a serious haircut cleared it up quite nicely. Hannah also had a red mullet and lost some after she was born. Quite normal.

Barb said...

I hear dread locks are in this year for babies!

Linda B said...

Our two had full heads of dark hair at birth too, but under the soft baby-down I could see thicker blond(e) hairs. My theory was that the baby-down was the color the adult hair would be, so I took a clip of each from the nape of their necks, and stuck it into their baby books. I'm not yet sure if my theory has worked out, as Ted's color is still changing naturally, and Miri doesn't allow hers to stay a natural color.

The babydown all fell out, the blond(e) predominated, they both still looked hairless even into toddling days. Dave called them both "baldylocks".

Even when the blond(e) started growing in, we got odd looks, since both Dave and I have dark hair. People asked if we'd adopted them -- or perhaps the ones who didn't ask suspected we'd stolen them. (I was blonde as a baby, too. I suspect the coloring is the "blanc" and "Blanchard".)

Anonymous said...

Love the ERGO!! Rowen lived in it for the first 10 weeks of his life!! More pictures please! :)