The girls' social calendar has been quite busy as of late. We've been out for their first Taco Night, which was grand fun. Lots of arms to be held in, new ceilings to stareat, and custom socks! Seriously. Hand-decorated socks. Awesomeness. We have hosted visitors from school, as well as out of state. Cousin/Aunt Claire came to see the ladies.
We've been to three different doctors in the past week and received rave reviews from all. Caution: serious bragging to follow! At the regular pediatrican's visit, the girls now weigh in at 12lb even (Lillian) and 12lb5oz (Naomi). Doc gave us the goahead to start stretching out the 2am feeding and the girls took to that immediately, now going from 10pm to 6am with no bottles. It still takes some soothing to get back to sleep overnight, especially for L. But. They (and we!)are edging closer to a full night's sleep. The developmental specialist we saw last week proclaimed that the girls ought to be "poster children" for premature babies. She can say that again! Really. Anytime she wants to repeat it, I could hear it over and over.
They are smiling all the time now, and gurgling. There's nothing like walking into their nursery in the morning and getting two, big cheesy grins. Lillian has learned to chew on her hands, and it's delightful to watch her try to shove both of them in her mouth at once.
Bathtime is always fun, and here are a few photos of the event. These are from two weeks ago, though, and they've changed already.
Naomi ("Bleeeaaahhh"):
Sadly, the girls are experiencing their first cold, but they're handling it like troopers.
Next week: Spring Break!