As a birthday celebration, the girls had a doctor's appointment. With shots. Luckily, they are not aware enough to realize that this is unfair. Lillian now weighs 10lb, 11oz and Naomi is 11lbs even! Remember way back when WWF stood for the World Wrestling Federation and Hulk Hogan wasn't a sun-dried weirdo? My dad and I used to watch a lot of wrestling. (Junk Yard Dog, you are still missed.) Anyhow, whenever they announced a tag-team match, the announcer would always bellow, "And weighing in at a commmbiiiiinned total of" whatever the British Bulldogs were at them time. That's been going through my head everytime I think of the girls total of 21lb 11oz. It hardly seems possible, with where they started.
The really exciting part of this, for me at least, is that they are actually on the growth chart for full-term babies. On the very bottom of the chart, at 5th percentile, but on the chart nonetheless. This means that there are other babies who were born November 8 at full term and weigh them same as these girls do. Here's the chart for Naomi, just for funsies.

Both girls really are smiling regularly now, especially in the morning. Their eye contact is enduring and meaningful and they watch us walk around. Lillian has fallen in love with the swing that's on loan from Nat and Amanda. Naomi thinks it's alright, but Lillian just stares up at the mirror over her head with the look of someone seeing Aurora Borealis for the first time. Until she passes out. They are pretty good at holding up their heads and, while they don't enjoy 'tummy time' all that much, they move their heads from side to side. They're starting to kick a lot more, too.
Looking forward to the next steps. (But not too fast!!)
Collectively the girls weigh more than Mr. Rowen!! Just a smidge- but still. Great updates. Thanks!
It's freaking me out that they are four months old already! How is that possible? They just keep getting more and more adorable, too. Please keep putting pictures up, it's so wonderful to see them. Have I mentioned recently how wonderful you and William are,also?
Yay for being on the growth chart :)
Stopping by from our Due Date Club and I'm a follower now :)
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