What if I just confess that I've been horrible about taking pictures recently? That's really the major reason behind my lapse. Really. It has nothing to do with the fact that we have two mobile babies and Christmas to prep for!
Naomi and Lillian are doing wonderfully.
(Okay, so I started typing this entry two days ago and that was as far as I got. Anyone want to be hired on as my ghost writer? We pay in Cheerios.)
They are still doing wonderfully.
Here are some newsflash-like updates:
Lillian now has 6 teeth--four on top and two on the bottom. Though, she will never, ever let you look at the top ones. In order to catch a glimpse, you have to turn her upside-down and tickle her.
Naomi still has just the 4. We see them a lot.
Lillian has started physical therapy. She was taking an awfully long time to crawl and once we had her developmental assessment done, it was suggested that we have an evaluation done, just to be sure that everything was okay. The therapist reports that there are no physical impediments to her movement, just that she is comfortable just sitting and her contentedness actually works against her in the mobility department. She is quite reluctant to twist her trunk or to take herself off of her center of balance. So, we have a few little tricks to work with her and force her out of that comfort zone. What we have learned in this process is that the girl is wicked smart. When we try to get her to reach way over to grab something, she doesn't like that tipping sensation. So, after two attmepts, she just refuses to play our little game and finds something else to amuse herself. Like her own hand. That, and she started crawling after the first session of therapy. Her thought process must have been something like this: "They're onto me. They're going to stop bringing me things and carrying me everywhere. Guess I better get my butt in gear. Sigh." Now, it's a baby parade all over the house.
Naomi is a mobile little monkey and a serious troublemaker. She's cruising along all the furniture, pulling everything off the coffee table, trying to open cabinet doors and dismanteling all of my plants. Thankfully she gives herself away by giggling all the time.
Since it's practically Christmas, Granny and Pop-Pop are in town. They came out to see the girls yesterday and were greatly entertained by their antics. Pop-pop was sitting across the table from Lillian as she was eating and she'd continually catch his eye and then flop her whole body to the side. Of course, he did it in return and then she never stopped. Here, like this:

Granny got into the act, too, waving with Naomi. Here she is with Lillian. Think these two are related?

I've never been a huge Christmas person, but it's so much more fun with these two babies. Not that they even notice. It's just another weird thing that happens around them. I swore I was going to wrap up emtpy boxes for them, as they would be just as thrilled with wrapping paper and cardboard as they would with gifts, but of course, I lost that resolve. They might still get empty boxes, too, but there will be silly presents as well. Here are the little elves in all their dressy frippery:

(One random fact that I won't elaborate on because otherwise I'll never get this posted: One year ago yesterday was the first time we tried to bring Naomi home.)
1 comment:
Merry Christmas, Melinda! I love you blog and your girls are beautiful. May you have visions of sugarplums and a visit from St. Nick!
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