Before we even left, though, we had the treat of a visit from Luke (whom Lillian calls "Bluuu"). The girls loved his attention and playfulness and his guitar.

Also, he mowed the lawn for us. So, he rocks.
Naomi has found the petals on the rosebush in the front yard and was eager to share them with everyone. Including the turtle in her front pocket.

Once we did make it to Sacramento (with much acclaim to Kate F. for helping us get through security), we got to visit with Holly and Aamir and meet their little girl, Penny. Penny is just as precocious as can be and is a total delight. She was fascinated by the girls and played wonderfully with them. Every morning, as she awoke before them, we'd all be peppered with the questions, "Babies, please? Babies sleep? Babies wake up, please?"
We enjoyed a lovely day and half in Sacramento, testing playgrounds and farmer's markets. Including a wonderful place called Fairy Tale Town. (Or, TairyTaleTown, if you're two.) The cheese does not stand alone, not when filled with three little girls.
Then, we gathered the caravan to head to Lake Tahoe. It turns out, they have playgrounds there, too. Only with much better views.

Aamir and the girls at the playground.
We had reserved a cabin up there, which was perfect. And it had this stupendously adorable mini-cabin in the back yard.

And snow. Lots of it. We groaned when Holly and Aamir told us that there was snow in Tahoe and nearly refused to go. As Kate said, "We are from Cleveland. Snow is not a novelty." But, it turns out it is. When there a 6 foot drifts along the side of the house and you can go sledding in the backyard in a tshirt, snow is totally a novelty.

Lake Tahoe is a really gorgeous place and we just relaxed most of the time. (Several of us were battling a cold acquired on the first plane ride.) We did one big(ish) hike at a place called Emerald Bay, which was really breathtaking. Both in beauty and in the uphill climbing. Here we are at the top.
Here, Lillian spots some geese at the beach at the bottom. (She calls them ducks, but we'll let her get away with that for now.)

We have made it home, and at least gotten the suitcases upstairs, which I am counting as a victory. I won't bother to put them away, as our next trip is in only two weeks! At least Boston is still in Eastern Standard Time.
Not pictured in the cheese shot: Kate on her knees wrangling a squirming, fussing Lillian. We made her stop playing on the slide to take the picture, so she was understandably enraged.
I have so missed your blog! So glad your back - the trip sounds lovely.
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