Lillian, checking our recipe (and modeling her apron set)...

Both girls crammed themselves onto the stepstool with minimal elbowing and did a respectable job of keeping most of the flour inside the giant bowl. I eventually had to close the cap on the ground cloves that Lillian was in charge of, as she was really excited about shaking it in there.

I like to tell myself that she's counting scoops on her fingers in this picture, but really, she's totally tweaked out about the flour that Naomi dumped on her hand.
So, cookies were fun.
And then everything fell apart.
Remember how Lillian wasn't feeling super at the birthday party? She took the weekend to be low key and was back to full force by the following Tuesday.
(Actual birthday and voting day--here's Naomi in her "I Heart Voting" pasties)

Naomi seemed to get hit on Wednesday, but bounce back enough each day to convince us that she was just fine. Until the weekend, when she was a ragdoll of misery. We called the doctor's office, the nurse called us back and assured us that she probably had a virus (what we figured) and would be back to normal soon. Harumph. Well, to shorten an already long narrative, I took her to the doctor on Monday and she was diagnosed with pneumonia and an ear infection.
5 different medications and 5 days home from daycare later, she is finally back to her mischevious, but adorable self. She was in the doctor's office 4 out of 5 of those days for monitoring (I consider that a blessing, as there was talk of hospitalization!) but by Friday she hit all the right numbers and giggled and squeaked her way into convincing us all that she is right as rain.
It made for an overwhelming week. William, Nana and I took turns staying home with the girls and trying to keep calm and sane. In what I consider now to be good news, Papa and Nana both had mid-scale car annoyances, so we figure that covers our family for the bad-things-in-threes bit.
Today, we are back to full normal. I took the girls to the Children's Museum this morning and they were just delightful. They played and listened and cooperated and made me feel like I really can do this. They sure seem to know when to turn on the cute. My favorite moments from today?
Watching the girls attempt to high-five each other. After a few missed tries, they finally connected and were quite pleased with themselves.
Lillian shaking her finger at Naomi, who was laying on the floor sobbing about not having the right book (I said she was back to normal, not perfect!). Lillian was chanting, "No, no, no" and scowling at her sister. William and I had a hard time maintaining composure.
Reading with both of them. They are in a book frenzy this week, bringing us books to read and reading along--both shouting "HOME!" at the end of the ladybug book.
Tonight, it's time to finish up laundry and pack for Thanksgiving!! So glad we got all this nonsense out of the way in time.
Ugh, the daycare germs. It gets better.
OMG those aprons are ridiculously amazing!! I love them!!
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