Remember, how, in Homer's Odyssey, everytime (Every. Single. Time.) he referred to the sunrise he used the epithtet "rosy-fingered dawn"? Remember how that became weirdly automatic for you and even when someone referred to the popular brand of dish soap, your brain tried to picture it with pinkish fingers? No? Just me, then?
Anytime we say the word 'giraffe' in our house, someone pipes up with the phrase "loooooong neck!".
Yesterday, we got to feed the giraffes (looooong neck!) at the zoo! How cool! The giraffes (
llooooong neck!) seem to know when it's 11:00 and come meandering over to the deck where you get to buy a two dollar leaf of lettuce. Their tongues are almost a foot long and they snake and twirl them over the lettuce leaf and then chomp away. The girls were amazed and a little dubious. I wish you could see Naomi's expression under her hat.
We took a train ride around the Australian Adventure section and the girls were beyond thrilled.

Lillian was so excited that she had to give the train a hug when we were done. |

Naomi was equall thrilled to get her pink flowers painted on her face again. Can't you tell? No, seriously, she was thrilled. Everytime we wash her face or talk about faces, she'd touch her cheek forlornly and say, "Pink flower. All gone." Then nod wistfully, like she knows that life is just full of disappointments and this is only the beginning. We were able, recently to instill the possibility that she might someday get a new flower painted on her face and she added that to the performance. "Pink flower. All gone. *sigh* New one??" Yes, my little ray of sunshine, there is still hope in the world.
1 comment:
What I love about Melinda is the way she can work in a reference to the Odyssey while writing about a trip to the zoo.
I also love her insanely cute children. :) Great post.
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