The girls had a positively delightful birthday party the weekend after you last heard from me. We had to postpone it due to our week without power, but waiting made it even lovelier. Nana schlepped in all the supplies--streamers, goody bags for the guests, soup, games, balloons, plates, forks, ribbon sticks, the dollhouse we gave to the girls. I bought a veggie tray.
I left said veggie tray in the refrigerator and did not remember it until I tried to put away the leftovers from the soup Nana made.
Here is a teeming hoard of children who were way excited about the fishing for letters game that Nana made from scratch and brought for everyone to play.

Here is Naomi, victoriously claiming a letter.

We opened wonderful gifts from guests and family. Naomi was extraordinarily happy about this dog guitar.
Lillian would like you to check out her boots.
Everyone was excited about cake.
So that all went well. Really. And then the girls went back to school and Naomi was walking across the room and she stumbled and fell. No big deal. Except she refused to put any weight on it. At all. Remember, this is the girl who literally laughed in the face of pain as her lip swelled up when she fell in the driveway. So I left work in a frenzy, took her to the pediatrician, then to the med center to get xrays. Those came back clear but we had an appointment with an orthopedic specialist for the following Monday if she didn't improve. After a weekend of beautiful weather, she couldn't even be enticed to walk at the zoo. Instead, she rolled wherever she wanted to go. Needless to say, we kept our appointment.

In that 10 days, we had Thanksgiving and that was lovely and peaceful and everything that it should be.The girls helped Granny make the stuffing. Lillian discovered that French Chocolate Silk cream pie really is the best thing ever and tried to steal it from Brad. Both girls were markedly disappointed that Brad did not sing before dinner on Saturday as he had on Thursday.
These are stories that I intend to come back to, but it's after 10 pm and my brain is made of mush. Oh, and William had a kidney stone inside those 10 days, too, and he was in miserable awful pain for, like, 72 hours and we were in the emergency room and percoset is great and that's all better now.
I'm really glad our power is on.
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