We hung eggs in the tree out front this week so the Easter Bunny would know where to find us. The girls were a big help, teetering ontop of the terrifying ladder, making design decisions about where to hang each color of egg and just general cheerleading. Then we went to visit the 55th and final year Eggshelland, a display of over 20,000 hand painted egg shells in someone's front yard. Our few dozen plastic things hanging inthe barren tree out front didn't quite compare. I'll get the girls drawing up something more elaborate for next year.
Then, Botanical Garden Egg Hunt Day! It really is the highlight of the spring. Aunt Pat sent along beautiful dresses again, and amazing coats. We topped the whole ensemble off with hats from the dollar section at Target! Here are the precious darlings:
The sun made its appearance and turned the day into one of the prettiest we've had so far this year. Naomi teamed up wth Jack and Ivy to stake out the tortises
Lillian got chased by butterflies. If you look closely, there's one right by her hand.
And then, the hunt was on! Fancy dress be damned, these ladies climbed under brush, into shrubs and through sprouting gardens to get all 10 of their alloted eggs. And then some. Once again, we had to steal eggs back from their baskets and hide them in our wake to stay under the quota. This year, though, we had to be a lot sneakier to keep the
re-hide from them, as they woud just go and snantch up the very ones we had put back.
This year, Naomi got a rare Golden Ticket in one of her eggs. Instead of being whisked off to the chocolate factory, though, she was ushered to a big cardboard box of prizes. She selected this spinning flower
We'll be going back to the gardens soon, as I miss having flowers in the pictures and they have a wonderful 'Big Spring' display up for the month.
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