Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Adventures in the Creek

We took a Father's Day hike in the nearby park this weekend. It was lovely and idyllic. After we clambered over the trail, with aggressive warnings about poison ivy, we came to Roxie's favorite part.  We used to take her here fairly regularly in the time B.C.  Our little old lady dog was right back to it, like a baby mountain goat, skipping up the sides of the creek bed and sniffing her old haunts and occasionally worrying about our parenting skills as we let the girls explore.

I love this little series of photos as William and the girls scheme about how to get up on the Very Big Rock That Is Slightly Too Far Away.

The plot and plan.


The eagle has landed!

I do not have a photo of William and Naomi slipping down the waterfall on our way out of the creek, but it was only a minor disaster and no permanent damage was done. Hopefully, for Naomi, it will not overshadow a wonderful day of splashing and  trumping and exploring a little treasure so close to our house. Because this picture....

This is what I want to remember out of this day, this celebration with their Daddy and what a wonderful human being he sand how very beautiful life can be.

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