The girls put on their best performance for our Easter Brunch with the family. Baskets are handmade courtesy of Aunt Pat and filled courtesy of Nana and Papa.
The girls are amazing, cooing and imitating noises. The other night, Naomi sat, riveted and smiling through William's entire reading of "Where the Wild Things Are." They really tune in when you talk to them and smile in response to things, not just randomly. As of Friday, Naomi was 13lb2 and Lillian was 12lb9, so they're really growing. They have little buddha bellies. They don't find it funny yet when I zerbert (spelling?) their bellies, but I do.
(My computer has officially kicked the bucket, so this is from William's machine again. Once I figure out how, I'll try to get videos onto his computer so we can get them loaded here.)
veksoveWhat is a ZERBERT ????
That Easter bunny picture is SOOOOOO cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your blog posts!
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