The girls have been having an exciting time recently. Had they been born on their due date, they would have turned three months old yesterday. Instead, we are staring down the barrel of 6 months! They don't seem bothered by this at all.
I did a happy dance the other day when Naomi rolled over, from her belly to her back. It was a slow process, but she immediately repeated it three times over. When taken to Nana and Papa's later that night, she showed them how she can stop halfway over and just rest comfortably there. Lillian must have heard us celebrating this accomplishment, because the very next day, she followed suit. Roxy, though, thought she was taking too long and flipped the baby the rest of the way with that big old nose of hers.
Here's Naomi, as she thinks about what she's supposed to do next:

The girls got to meet their big brother, Saul, and Leann this weekend, as they came up from Cincinnatti. They showed off how they drool and and cuddle. Grandma Rand joined us on Saturday for a nice lunch out on the town and the ladies guided us on yet another trip through the Botanical Gardens. (I think we should just get the girls little green vests and place them strategically as volunteers.) Love that place. It's different everytime we go. This time there was a daffodil display that both looked and smelled just wonderful.
Hey! Do I know you? Lillian and Saul:

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