Nat and Amanda joined us tonight to celebrate another snow day. That's 4 this year, so we'll see if they'll have to be made up. We got quite the winter wallop this time around with just about 10 inches falling overnight.
We made the best of it and holed up in the house with our dinner-bearing guests. It was a grand evening of watching the silliness that children can create. The girls attacked Jack's train track from many fronts and Jack amused himself with the gumball machine for a while. Lillian was able to talk Amanda into singing "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" before I was able to warn her that she'll never be able to stop. As soon as the song ends, Lillian puts her fingers together in front of her to imitate the spider (or the 'more' gesture) and makes noises that, if one is listening with "mom" ears--Amanda can hear it, too-- sounds a lot like "Itsy Bitsy". How can you resist that? I counted 9 repetitions at lunch today. She also very clearly
moo-ed today while we were playing with the barnyard puzzle. Naomi has been imitating the hand gestures to (I was goin to abbreviate "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" to IBS, but I think that's the acronym for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.) our new favorite song, as well. I promise to get William to film this soon, as I can't be the lead singer and the key grip at the same time.
Here are the three little girls, looking for trouble.

And these were in the dollar bin at Target this week. I couldn't wait until Easter to share this adorableness.