We spent the day at Nana and Papa's today. After Nana dragged out all the good toys and we spent lots of time trying to pry the felt fruits and veggies out of poor Penny(the dog)'s mouth, the girls spent most of the day chasing each other up and down this hallway. They played chicken with Nana, Naomi tried to close the door on her sister and stole the nighlight from the wall. Lillian got so excited and crawling so fast at times that she'd trip herself up. Earlier, she played DJ with the lullabye crib toy. She'd push the button to select either "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" or "Hushaby Baby" and then start her head-bobbing, rocking dance. So, of course we played along. At one point while Nana and I were dancing along with her, she looked right at us, pursed her lips and slowly shook her head. Our dancing was scorned. By a baby who tripped herself crawling. Help.
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