I take the girls to a music therapy class every Friday. This is not so much 'therapy', as we traditionally understand it, but a remarkably patient and enthusiastic woman who plays different songs for the babies, leads us all in rhymes and dances, and passes out little tambourines and bells for everyone to chew on. The girls really get a kick out of it. They have started to dance along to tunes that catch their ear and imitate some of the movements. The therapist closes each session with a bubble machine mounted on the ceiling (SO COOL!) and we encourage the babes to chase the floating bubbles. Naomi loves it. You can see the residue of former bubbles in her hair.

You know what's hard? Tonight, William and I put the girls to bed and we stayed in their room for an extra long time, letting them put on a show for us, bouncing in their cribs and offering us their pacifiers. They giggle when you actually take it and then they demand it back. Naomi tossed her poor puppy-lovey out of the crib over and over again and William tossed it back in. And then, since it was well past their bedtime, we turned off the lights, turned on the humidifier and the sound machine and made to leave the room. And the hard part? Turning around to see Naomi, standing in her crib in the near dark, making the sign for 'more'.
1 comment:
awe, what a sweet sweet little moment. Don't you love how they are "getting" things now...I love this age!
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