I don't have any clever unifying theme for this week's pictures. It's all kind of pleasantly scattered, which I feel to be a very accurate representation of how we live right now.
To your left are the girls imitating the dog. Quite well, actually. Roxy spends a good deal of her day perched along the back of the couch in a cat-like pose. The girls clambored up there last weekend and "slept" for about 34 seconds. You can see that Naomi is still in her rainboots.
Nana came out on her usual Wednesday and we drew chalk outlines. Sounds creepy, I know. The the girls loved it, rolling around in th chalk dust and finding new spots to have themselves outlined. Everyone (including Nana) was covered in a rainbow of dust by the time it was done.
Here is Naomi choosing her next spot. You can see that when we draw now, everything (including numbers
) must be given a smiley face. That is mostly Naomi's request. W cleaned up enough of the chalk to be abe to go to he open house for their daycare and show Nana around 'school'. It really was like a regular school open house. Special artwork was hung around everywhere and all the kids had done beautiful take-home projects to show off their skills. I'll have to get some pictures of their books on here. They are too precious. Of course, without exception, every child brought into that daycare had a terrified, haunted look in their eyes for fear that they were going to be left there again. We got out before it got too ugly.

1 comment:
I love DISORGANIZED as long as it's with my two loves!
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