Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Up Close and Personal

I think Lillian fell in love today.

We took the girls on a spring break field trip to Lake Farm Park today.  We;ll have to remember to always go at this time of year.  It's a carnival of baby animals. It was very hard not to slip a piglet into the diaper bag.  There were nine of them.  They would have hardly noticed, right?
After Lillian introduced herself to this baby goat, he decided to clamber right out of his pen and hang out with us for a while.  He tried to eat my hair, nuzzle with William and prance around Naomi.  But Lillian was clearly his love.  And she felt the same in return.

Until she met this sheep.
Later this evening, after playing with the animal sounds on my phone for a bit, she got weepy.  She turned to William, tears in her eyes, chin quivering and, in a wavering voice, announced, "I want a sheep!"

Naomi came, too.  This lamb yelled at her for a little while.

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