We spent most of this broadcasting break in Massachusetts, where I figured most of my regular readers were living in the house with us and the girls. But, a few folks have reminded me that it's not just my grandparents who read this thing. (Hi, Granny and Pop-Pop!)
The trip was marvelous, for the most part. Even the traveling parts, since we bookended the Boston stay with overnights in Aurora, NY. Thanks to Claire's gracious hosting!
Even though the girls had 11 people in their faces at any given minute, they were more than tolerable. Naomi did take her daddy preference to a near obsession level. She wouldn't let the poor man out of the room without a hissy fit. She was perfectly darling on the day where he disappeared before sunrise to go hiking in New Hampshire, but if he was on the property, she was attached to his side. And vehemently opposed to being held by anyone else.
We spent lots of time in the yard, playing in the pool and on the swings. We took the girls back to Duxbury beach. They loved it--Lillian for the waves that played chase with her, and Naomi for the acres of open sand to run on. They sorted rocks and tried to eat seaweed and got compliments from a small group of 10 or 11 year old boys. (Not a demographic known for its social graces, so it sticks in my mind.) Here are the bathing beauties. (Or a couple of 90 year old ladies. It's hard to tell.)

We watched the charming 4th of July Parade from Pat and Richard's front yard. The girls loved the music floats and danced to the steel drum band. It was hot enough that passers-by were begging to be squirted by the water gun stationed there.
I didn't take enough pictures because I was having entirely too much fun. But here's a basic rundown of the trip. (With half the photo credits going to Nana.)
A very sleepy Lillian, being lullabyed (that's a verb now. I say so.) by Luke.
One of the tent toys found by Richard at the Duxbury 'mall'--the girls rather loved it.
Hey!! It's you!! Both girls in their ridiculously cute dresses, part of the summer line wardrobe provided by Pat. We brought their sunglasses, which just happened to perfetly match the dresses, so we tossed the babies into this swing and took 8 million shots.

Lastly, for anyone who wonders if I play favorites, this photo tells you why there aren't as many pictures of Naomi on this blog. We shall make her superhero name "The Blur".
oh how I've missed you! Love all the photos! Looks like it was such great fun!
May I borrow the photo of your two girls on the big bench to share on my Facebook wall? They are just too cute to miss. Who took the shot? (Credit where credit is due, if you'll say yes.)
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