Tuesday, we went back to Lake Farmpark to visit the goats and pigs and sheep, moo at the cows and ride the pony again. Did I take any pictures? No. Who wants to hire on as our full time photographer?
This morning, we took the girls back to the Children's Museum, where we haven't been since last fall. Last fall. When the girls weren't even walking yet. Is it really possible that Naomi's only been walking for five months and Lillian for under 3? They enjoyed it much more this time, climbing stairs and pretending to drive the bus. Naomi tried repeatedly to steal groceries from the pretend store. Lillian hung out in the kitchen room for what we estimate to be more than 30 minutes. That play kitchen we bought in April and were saving for Christmas? I don't think it's going to make it that long.

Tomorrow, Parent Center playgroup (where it's air conditioned) and then, I don't know. Maybe the mall. Anything with air.
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