We chose one of the hottest days of the summer to go to the zoo today. It was hot. Sticky. Oppressive. But the girls still seemed to enjoy themselves. They really paid attention to the animals, not just the other people walking around. Lillian mooed at anything remotely cow-like, including the rhinos and elephants. We took her to the petting zoo and she almost short-circuited. "Moo! Neigh! Baa!! Neigh!! Baa!" Naomi was fascinated by the flamingos and the heron near the giraffes. And the tiny little birds that came to take pieces of our lunch.
Here is Naomi, being not quite as tall as a newborn giraffe.

And, since it was so outrageously hot, we made Nana and Papa pick up the playhouse we found on craigslist and drive it out to our house. Washing it down was one of the best parts of the day. The girls splashed in the puddles and peeked through the doors and windows of the dissassembled house. I'm sure more picures will be forthcoming, but here, with thanks to Gary Larson, is Lillian trying to get out of the house.
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