Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 25.68

Who wants to help me fold laundry?

The girls have been having an exciting time recently. Had they been born on their due date, they would have turned three months old yesterday. Instead, we are staring down the barrel of 6 months! They don't seem bothered by this at all.

I did a happy dance the other day when Naomi rolled over, from her belly to her back. It was a slow process, but she immediately repeated it three times over. When taken to Nana and Papa's later that night, she showed them how she can stop halfway over and just rest comfortably there. Lillian must have heard us celebrating this accomplishment, because the very next day, she followed suit. Roxy, though, thought she was taking too long and flipped the baby the rest of the way with that big old nose of hers.

Here's Naomi, as she thinks about what she's supposed to do next:

The girls got to meet their big brother, Saul, and Leann this weekend, as they came up from Cincinnatti. They showed off how they drool and and cuddle. Grandma Rand joined us on Saturday for a nice lunch out on the town and the ladies guided us on yet another trip through the Botanical Gardens. (I think we should just get the girls little green vests and place them strategically as volunteers.) Love that place. It's different everytime we go. This time there was a daffodil display that both looked and smelled just wonderful.

Hey! Do I know you? Lillian and Saul:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 25, or so...

The girls had a doctor's appointment yesterday and there has been a lead change! Lillian's outpaced her sister at 14lb6.5oz. Naomi's not too far behind at 14lb5oz. (Had she not had a pants explosion moments before leaving for the office, she would have maintained dominance!) The doctor has pronounced them quite healthy and vigorous. We're even finished using our preemie formula and on to the regular stuff.

The girls are still in discovery mode. Naomi spent a lot time on the floor with Nana staring at the handle for her bouncer toys. No toys, just the handle please. (Please remember this when their birthdays approach. Cardboard boxes will be just fine.) They are starting to notice the toys, though. Lillian grasps a rattle and looks like she's lifting a dumbbell.

Lillian is having an existential crisis. She, too, has discovered her hands. But, she can't stare at them and chew on them at the same time.

Here are the latest head shots.

Lillian the charmer (Nevermind the gouges in her forehead. Self-inflicted.):

Naomi and a classic pout face:

All better:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 24 (ish)

Whatever you do, don't hire me as your accountant. I have a seriously difficult time keeping up with what week we're in. I suppose that would be easier if I were more regular about posting. Sorry for that. But I'm not sorry about your taxes. I had nothing to do with that.

We have been both pleasantly busy and not busy as of late. Our every two-week doctors' appointments have abated to once a month. The last time we went to see the neonatal specialist about their monitors, he gave us his blessing to use them only at night (which we had been doing anyway) and he dialed down their heart rate parameters from 80 beats per minute to 70. We haven't heard a beep since. Except for this morning, when I stepped on the wire as I was putting Naomi back into the crib. So much for William's peaceful sleeping in.

They have both been delightful and engaging recently. I think they really noticed each other this morning, laying on the floor, looking very purposefully into the other's eyes. Naomi defininately noticed yesterday that she has a dog. I'm not sure who she thought has been nosing her ears. But, with the dog laying right behind her, she could hardly roll her eyes far enough up in her head to keep watching her and grinning. Here are they are, Lillian on the right:

Some other massive cuteness? Lillian now sings herself to sleep. This is how we know she's tired: She holds her little hands up in front of her mouth and mumbles and coos to herself. I've tried to get it on video, but she gets distracted by me and the camera and quits. I'll have to sneak up in the dark.

They are making progress in their other milestones, too. With me acting as personal trainer, the baby push-ups are coming along. This is greatly helped by having a mirror in front of them. (Isn't all exercise??) Roxy defininately likes to be involved in this time, nosing and nudging the babies. Here she is babysitting Lillian while I feed Naomi.

I don't know how much they weigh, but I know they're getting bigger. They are into their 3-6 month clothes, with the occasional 6 month size. In this picture, they're wearing mocasins that Nana and Papa brought home from Arizona (I wore a pair of leather moccasins as my first shoes!) and the combination of jeans and shoes just made them look like they were going to get up and walk away. Perhaps ask to borrow the car keys. By the way, I think William might be trying to influence their college choice.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 23

Lillian and Naomi are five months old today. 5 months. I cannot wrap my head around this. Even though they have grown and changed so much from the tiny creatures they once were. Really. They are nearly 5 times their original size.

Here are a few of my new favorite things:

Naomi can't seem to smile without her tongue escaping her mouth. It's always poking around, like a little lizard.

Lillian has a definite complaint tone. She isn't crying and she isn't just babbling, but she is letting you know that she's not happy with her current situation. Mostly this happens when she's on her stomach.

They both talk back when you imitate their sounds.

Lillian reminds me of a prarie dog. When I carry her around, her head is just up, up, up, scanning her surroundings.

Naomi occasionally buzzes her lips before she gets started on talking noises.

Lillian waggles her eyebrows. I'm pretty sure she's related to Groucho Marx.

Naomi wrinkles her nose sometimes to start a smile.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 22

Look what the Easter Bunny left us!

The girls put on their best performance for our Easter Brunch with the family. Baskets are handmade courtesy of Aunt Pat and filled courtesy of Nana and Papa.
The girls are amazing, cooing and imitating noises. The other night, Naomi sat, riveted and smiling through William's entire reading of "Where the Wild Things Are." They really tune in when you talk to them and smile in response to things, not just randomly. As of Friday, Naomi was 13lb2 and Lillian was 12lb9, so they're really growing. They have little buddha bellies. They don't find it funny yet when I zerbert (spelling?) their bellies, but I do.

(My computer has officially kicked the bucket, so this is from William's machine again. Once I figure out how, I'll try to get videos onto his computer so we can get them loaded here.)