Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reprise, vol. ii

Remember when we tried to re-do the girls' summer picture with Ivy? Remember how it was an unmitigated disaster? Apparently Nana captured the one sweet shot before it all disintegrated.

William, Nana and I took the girls to Peninsula this past weekend for what we thought would be a thrilling adventure. It turns out, being strapped into a bouncy, flimsy box and strung along behind your dad's bicycle for a couple of hours (while your party fails to locate the intended farmer's market) is not the pleasurable pastime we assumed it would be. They endured the bike ride, but were downright enthusiastic about collecting crabapples at the lunch stop. Naomi filled Nana's apple bag with those and other treasures like pinecones and twigs and thoroughly enjoyed sorting through them repeatedly.

Also? The alligator likes Cheerios.

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