Monday, February 18, 2013

Mini Post

Literally. Posting from my new iPad mini that William got me for valentines day. Let's take this baby for a spin, shall we?

We took the girls back to the art museum this weekend because its totally amazing. Then we raved about it at anyone who would listen. Seriously. If you live within an hour of here and you haven't been yet, I don't know why you're still reading this. It's open late on Wednesday. And Friday. Go.

The girls have been delightful this long weekend. They have been playing together so well and being funny and cute. Lots of rounds of "Baby Bumblebee" and pretend trips to the beach. This involves packing purses and bags, finding sunglasses and sitting on the stairs for a while. Then they reemerge, chirping "Hi, Momma! Hi, Daddy! We're back."

Enjoying the view. It's not just the art that's beautiful.

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