Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 53

We've been here for 24 hours. Naomi is doing wonderfully.

She slept brilliantly through the evening. Me, not exactly so much. Every little pip and grunt and squeak was cause for me to fly awake and listen. Turns out, this baby grunts and squeaks a lot. Even though she's on this monitor, so we know she's perfectly fine, we're a little prone to paranoia. It worked out fine, though. William got some sleep overnight and took over the vigilance duty in the morning, when I got a few hours of mostly sleep. Nana came back and took over this afternoon, so William's off visiting Lillian, I got another catnap and Naomi's been busy entertaining her grandmother.

Afternoon Conversation With a Baby:

Mom (holding baby, looking adoringly into her eyes): I love you!

Baby: Giant smile

Mom and Nana: much exaltation and praise

Mom: (touching baby lightly on button nose) You're just perfect!

Baby: Giant smile.

Mom and Nana: dissolve into teary joyful laughter

Baby: Continue giant smile for duration of laughter.

So, yeah. It's going just fine.

Happiest of New Years, everyone.

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